Michal Hadala (PT, PhD, CMP, KCAT) fisioterapeuta, doctor europeo en fisioterapia y ciencias aplicadas al deporte por la Universidad de Valencia. Licenciado en fisioterapia por la Universidad de Rzeszow en Polonia. Miembro docente del grupo Movement System Impairments, Kinetic Control y del Insitituto McConnell.
Profesor en diferentes títulos de postgrado y master oficiales relacionados con la valoración, análisis y reentrenamiento neuromuscular del aparato locomotor.
Tiene amplio bagaje de experiencia clínica y didáctica. Desde hace años sigue trabajando con fisioterapeutas como Shirley Sahrmann, Jenny McConnell o Marc Comerford. Esa experiencia profesional le ha llevado a centrar su trabajo en el movimiento como una herramienta principal del fisioterapeuta.
Opina que el diagnostico y la corrección de las alteraciones y disfunciones del movimiento es el futuro de la salud.
Autor de diferentes publicaciones científicas en revistas de impacto. Como profesor y didáctico enseña a los fisioterapeutas los tres conceptos del diagnostico del movimiento: MSI, KC, McConnell. Como fisioterapeuta y doctor trabaja y gestiona una clínica de fisioterapia en su país.
- Doktorat Hiszpański i Europejski Hiszpania, 27 lipiec 2010
Double degree (Spanish and European)
PhD final project:
Application of Sports Medicine and Science Related to the America’s Cup. A comprehensive research on anthropometry, physical conditioning, epidemiology and prevention of injuries, muscle overload and psychological impact. Quali‑cation: outstanding;
- Studia Doktoranckie Hiszpania, 2006-2008
PhD studies completed with DEA University of Valencia, Spain | Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine
- Studia podyplomowe z Biomechaniki Hiszpania, 2008
“Biomecánica Articular, Tecnicas de Medida y Principales Aplicaciones”, University of Valencia, Spain
- Studia Magisterskie Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2003-2005
Master in Physiotherapy University of Rzeszow (Poland), Faculty of Medicine
Final project:
Titulo de la tesis del grado: Injuries in football players and the medical sta work method in selected football teams in Poland and Spain. Calicación: sobresaliente
- Licencjat Fizjoterapii Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2000-2003
Diploma in Physiotherapy University of Rzeszow (Poland), Faculty of Medicine
Final project:
Titulo de la tesis del grado: Defects in human posture and curvatures of the spine among population of children aged 12 in Elementary Schools in Rzeszow. Degree: outstanding
- 2019- MSI Movement System Imapirments Instructor, WUSTL, Washington University of Saint Louis, USA
- 2017-2019 McConnell Institute Accredited Instructor
- 2009-2019 KCIT Kinetic Control Movement Accredited Instructor
- 2008-2012 PSIT Performance Matrix Accredited Instructor
- 2005-2007 CMP Certi¬ed Mulligan Practitioner – Manual Therapy in Movement
- 2019 Movement Reaserch Centre, WUSTL (Washington University of Saint Louis)
Saint Louis, USA
- 2016-2019 Universidad Catolica de Valencia (UCV, Valencia)
Valencia, Spain
- 2014 European Teachers Program at the University of Gdansk (AWF Gdansk)
Gdansk, Poland
- 2009 Master in movement dysfunction (45 créditos ECTS)
St Mary’s University College, London, England
- 2009 Project on prevention and new aspects of sports retraining (1 month)
Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2007 European project (3 months)
University of Rzeszow, Poland
- 2005 Sports Medicine Clinic – “Carolina Medical Center “ (1 month)
Specialty in sports physiotherapy | Warsaw, Poland
- 2004 Institute of Sports Medicine and Traumatology (4 months)
Valencia , Spain
- 2003-2004 Universidad Cardenal Herrera (1 year)
Valencia , Spain
- 2001 Post-Traumatology Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation Center (3 meses)
Kolobrzeg, Poland
- 2019 Movement System Impairments Instructor Europe
- 2009-2019 Kinetic Control accredited international instructor (more than 4850 hours)
Courses in Universities, Private centers, Hospitals | Countries: Spain, Poland, England, South America (Peru, Venezuela, Mexico)
- 2018-2019 McConnell Institute accredited Instructor
Rzeszow, Katowice, Gdansk | Poland
- 2016-2019 Universidad Catolica de Valencia, Master Degree of Injury Prevention (UCV, Valencia)
Valencia, Spain
- 2015-2019 Lecturing in Master degrees
Seville, Valencia | Spain
- 2014 European Teachers Program at the University of Gdansk (AWF Gdansk)
Gdansk, Poland
- 2007-2009 Teacher in Master: Sports physiotherapy (20 teaching hours)
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
- 2007 Professor of Sports Physiotherapy (30 teaching hours)
Cardenal Herrera University, Valencia, Spain
- 2005-2006 Professor of Physiotherapy and Rheumatology (100 teaching hours)
University of Rzeszow, Poland
- 2015-2020 Director of the FIZJO-SPORT clinic
(Poland, Rzeszow) Development and improvement of the models of assessment, treatment and understanding the patient’s movement dysfunction
- 2009-2019 International Professor of Kinetic Control
Development and improvement of models to treat and understand function and movement
- 2015-2020 Master Degree at UCV,
Catholic University of Valencia (Spain, Valencia)
- 2014 Professor at the University of Gdansk
(AWF Gdansk)
- 2009-2012 Professor and consultant of Movement Performance Solution Prevention of sports injuries
Manchaster City FC, Chelsea FC, NBA New York Knicks, Trentino Volley
- 2008-2013 Private clinic, Physiotherapy and rehabilitation (part time)
Valencia Spain
- 2008-2012 Research Sta‑ at the University, Medicine and sports applied sciences: works published in high impact journals in the United States and Europe
University of Valencia, Spain
- 2008 Physiotherapist,
Poland national team in athletics
- 2005-2007 Responsible for rehabilitation unit and medical department of the South African team in the 32nd edition of the Copa América 2007
- 2000-2003 Physiotherapist,
Orthopedic Hospital of Rzeszow, Poland
- 2019 Advanced Application of the Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Movement System Impairments of the Lower Quarter | prof. SHIRLEY SAHRMANN | WUSTL Washington University of Saint Louis, USA (40 hours)
- 2019 Advanced Application of the Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Movement System Impairments of the Lower Quarter | prof. SHIRLEY SAHRMANN | Kaunas, Lithuania (20 hours)
- 2019 Movement System Impairments advanced, Lower back and hip | prof. SHIRLEY SAHRMANN | Rzeszow, Poland (40 hours)
- 2018 McConnell Institute: Diagnosis & Treatment of Upper Extremity, Shoulder | Jenny McConnell | Rzeszow, Poland (24 hours)
- 2018 McConnell Institute: Diagnosis & Treatment of Lower Back and Lower Extremity | Jenny McConnell | Valencia, Spain (56 hours)
- 2017 The Movement Solution: Sacro-Ilac Joint | MARC COMERFORD | Rzeszow, Poland (40 hours)
- 2017 Explain Pain | DAVID BUTTLER | Valencia, Spain (14 hours)
- 2017 THE McCONNELL APPROACH: causes, grounds and treatment of musculoskeletal pain and its common problems | JENNY MCCONNELL | Rzeszow, Poland (40 hours)
- 2016 The Movement Solution: moving the boundaries Lower Leg | MARC COMERFORD | London, England (40 hours)
- 2016 Thoracic spine and rib cage | MARC COMERFORD | Rzeszow, Poland (24 hours)
- 2015 The Movement Solution: Sacro-Ilac Joint and Thoracic spine | MARC COMERFORD | London, England (40 hours)
- 2015 Neurodynamic Solutions Superior and Lower Quadrant | MICHAEL SHACKLOCK | Valencia, Spain (32 hours)
- 2015 Pathophysiology, biomechanics and shoulder rehabilitation | ROBERT DONATELLI | Valencia, Spain (18 hours)
- 2015 THE McCONNELL APPROACH: causes, grounds and treatment of musculoskeletal pain and its common problems | Jenny McConnell | Valencia, Spain (56 hours)
- 2015 A physiotherapeutic approach to advanced concepts in examination and treatment of the shoulder complex | Filip Struyf | Valencia, Spain (18 hours)
- 2014 EXOS Performance Mentorship level 1 & 2, Katowice Poland (72 hours)
- 2014 Course on the Treatment of Dysfunctions of the Lumbar and Lower Extremity (MSI) | SHIRLEY SAHRMANN | Rzeszow, Poland (48 hours)
- 2013 Course on the Treatment of Upper Extremity Dysfunction (MSI) | SHERYL CALDWELL | Valencia, Spain
- 2013 Course on the Treatment of Dysfunctions of the Lumbar Spine (MSI) | SHIRLEY SAHRMANN | Valencia, Spain
- 2013 Course on the Treatment of Lower Extremity Dysfunction (MSI) | NANCY BLOOM | Valencia, Spain
- 2013 Course on the Treatment of Cervical Column Dysfunctions | GWENDOLEN JULL | Valencia, Spain
- 2013 Practical Course of Orthopedic Surgery based on Evidence, organized by INVESCOT – Valencia, Spain
- 2009 Matrix Pain| LORIMEL MOSELEY| Edynburgo, Escocia
- 2009 Movement Solution (120 hours – 45 ECTS) London, England
- 2008 Movement Dysfunction and Functional Stability Retraining of the Sacro-Iliac Joint | Valencia, Spain (35 hours)
- 2008 Myofascial Trigger Point Treatment for Movement Dysfunction & Complex Pain | Amersfoort, Holland (25 hours)
- 2008 Core Stability Training for Peak Performance Return To Work Return To Sport | Amersfoort, Holland (25 hours)
- 2008 Movement dysfunction course diagnosis of mechanical dysfunction and stability Retraining of the hip and lower leg | Manchester, England (35 hours)
- 2008 Performance matrix, performance stability | London, England (35 hours)
- 2008 Movement Diagnosis of Mechanical Dysfunction and Stability. Retraining of the Neck and Shoulder Girdle | Valencia, Spain (40 hours)
- 2008 Fundamentals of Biomechanics: Articular Biomechanics, Measurement Techniques and Main Applications | Valencia, Spain (120 hours)
- 2007 Movement dysfunction course diagnosis of mechanical back pain subgroups and stability retraining of the lumbar spine | Valencia, Spain (70 hours)
- 2007 Understanding Movement & Function Concepts | Seville, Spain (40 hours)
- 2018-2019 Advanced Application of the Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Movement System Impairments of the Lower and Upper Quarter | prof. SHIRLEY SAHRMANN | Spain, Poland, USA
- 2013-2016 The role of the extensor muscle in the hip | Catholic University of Valencia, Spain
- 2013-2015 The E‑ectiveness of Lumbar Extensor Training: Local Stabilization or Dynamic Strengthening Exercises. A Review of Literature | Fizjo-Sport Poland
- 2010-2014 Changes in sports injuries incidence over time in world-class road cyclists | Catholic University of Valencia, Spain
- 2005-2008 Project based on research results in one of the teams participating in the sailing championship – America’s Cup | University of Valencia, Spain
- 2004-2005 “Injuries and the therapeutic plan in the rst and second Polish division (comparison test with the other teams in Europe)”. | Rzeszow University, Poland
- 2004-2005 Biorhythmic in everyday life: “In harmony with nature. Inuence of biological clock on the life quality” | Rzeszow University, Poland
- 2004 “The role of botulinum toxin A injections in the treatment of the children with cerebral palsy in the opinions of their parents”. | Rzeszow University, Poland
- 2001-2003 Scoliosis in Primary School: “Defects in human posture and curves of the spine among population of children aged 12 in Elementary Schools in Rzeszow”. | Rzeszow University, Poland
- Annual Conferance on Diagnosis, and Treatment of Movement System Impairments WUSTL Washington University of Saint Louis, USA 2019
- CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL: Fisioterapia del Aparato Locomotor Barcelona , Spain 2019
- FTP International Physiotherapy Conference Barcelona, Spain 2018
- FYD Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia y Deporte Madrid, Spain 2018
- FYD Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia y Deporte Valencia, Spain 2018
- Conference on Movement Dysfunction Southampton, England 2018
- JAM Return to Play, International Conference Valencia, Spain 2017
- XIV Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte (FEMEDE), Santander, Spain 2012
- I Jornadas de Avances en Fisioterapia, Readaptación y Traumatología Deportiva, Valencia, Spain 2012
- IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport, Monaco 2011
- Conferencia de INVESCOT, Valencia, Spain 2010
- XIII Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte (FEMEDE), Bilbao, Spain 2010
- Conference on Movement Dysfuntion, London, England 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018
- III World Conference on Movement Dysfuntion, Edinburgh, Scotland 2009
- I International Congress of Sport Traumatology and Arthroscopy for Central-Eastern Europe, Varsov, Poland 2009
- I XXX FIMS WORLD CONGRESS OF SPORTS MEDICINE; Sports Medicine for a Better World, Barcelona, Spain 2009
- The 16th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Bruges, Belgium 2008
- Congress of the Spanish Association of Thraumatolgy in Sport SETRADE, Valencia, Spain 2008
- 3rd International Congress of Polish Sport Thraumatolgy Society, Warsaw, Poland 2007
- 12th Congreso National Femede, Sevilla, Spain 2007
- II Congreso Internacional de la Medicina y Traumatología Deportiva (PTTS), Varsovia, Poland 2005
- XXVI Congreso de la sociedad de Medicina Deportiva, Wroclaw, Poland 2005
- International Days of Physiotherapy, Wroclaw, Poland 2005
- V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Rehabilitación, Rzeszow, Poland 2004
- Conferencia de Fisioterapia, I Congreso de la Salud Universitario, Valencia, Spain 2004
- II International Days of Science, Siedlce, Poland 2003
- X Congreso de la Rehabilitación, Varsovia, Poland 2003 IX International Conference of Rehabilitation, Wroclaw, Poland 2002
- Hadała M, Gryckiewicz S.
The e‑ectiveness of lumbar extensor training: local stabilization or dynamic strengthening exercises. A review of literature. Ortop Traumatol Rehabil. 2014 Nov-Dec;16(6):561-72. doi: 10.5604/15093492.1135044. Review.
- Czaprowski D, Afeltowicz A, Gębicka A, Pawłowska P, Kędra A, Barrios C, Hadała M.
Abdominal muscle EMG-activity during bridge exercises on stable and unstable surfaces.
Phys Ther Sport. 2014 Aug;15(3):162-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2013.09.003. Epub 2013 Sep 27.
- Barrios C, Bernardo ND, Vera P, Laíz C, Hadala M.
Changes in sports injuries incidence over time in world-class road cyclists. Int J Sports Med. 2015 Mar;36(3):241-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1389983. Epub 2014 Nov 6.
- Hadała M, Barrios C.
Sports injuries in an America’s Cup yachting crew: A 4-year epidemiological study covering the 2007 challenge. J Sports Sci. 2009 May;27(7):711-7. doi: 10.1080/02640410902785487.
- Barrios C, Hadala M, Almansa I, Bosch-Morell F, Palanca JM, Romero FJ.
Metabolic muscle damage and oxidative stress markers in an America’s Cup yachting crew. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Jul;111(7):1341-50. doi: 10.1007/s00421-010-1762-6. Epub 2010 Dec 10.
- De Bernardo N, Barrios C, Vera P, Laíz C, Hadala M.
Incidence and risk for traumatic and overuse injuries in top-level road cyclists. J Sports Sci. 2012;30(10):1047-53. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2012.687112. Epub 2012 May 16.
- Hadala M, Barrios C.
Di‑erent strategies for sports injury prevention in an America’s Cup yachting crew. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 Aug;41(8):1587-96. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31819c0de7.
- Hadala M, Cebolla A, Baños R, Barrios C.
Mood prole of an America’s Cup team: relationship with muscle damage and injuries. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010 Jul;42(7):1403-8. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181cd5cb9.
- Jakub Ławnicki, Michał Hadała, Wojciech Zaręba
Low back pain in the overhead athletes: Evaluation and treatment based on movement system Polish Annals of Medicine, Volume 24, Issue 2, August 2017, Pages 214-220
- Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Barbara Daniszewska, Magdalena Pruszyńska, Agnieszka Przedborska, Michał Hadałac, Jan W.Raczkowskia
E‑ects of a health improvement programme on quality of life in elderly people after falls. Polish Annals of Medicine Volume 23, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 129-134
- Michał Hadała, Szymon Gryckiewicz
Movement pattern and muscle balance as a source of lumbar spine health according to the concept of Kinetic Control Review Polish Annals of Medicine, Volume 21, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 152-157
- Protasiewicz-Fałdowska H, Hadała M, Dzienisiewicz A, Kowalska-Miranowicz H, Gryckiewicz Sz, Kowalski
Training of exion and rotation of the lumbar-sacral spine based on Kinetic Control Volume 21, Issue 1, June 2014, Pages 45-50
- Hadala M, Vera P, Barrios C.
Anthropometry Prole and its Inuence on Injury Pattern in America’s Cup Racing Crew. Sports Medicine & Doping Studies. 2012, S5
- Hadala M, de Bernardo N, Vera P, Laíz C, Barrios C.
Pre-season screening of core muscle balance and control tests in the lumbar spine in professional road cyclists can we prevent uncontrolled movement? British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011 April 5, 2011
- Hadala M, Barrios C.
Reply to a critical commentary of the paper entitled “Sport injuries in an America’s Cup yachting crew: A 4-year epidemiological study covering the 2007 challenge. Journal of Sports Science 2010 Aug 28(10):1141-4.
- Hadala M, Barrios C.
New perspective in sports injury prevention in an America’s Cup Sailing Prevention of sport injuries in an America’s Cup. Manual Therapy 14(2009) S40–S52.
- Hadala M, Barrios C.
Sports injuries in the grinders of an America’s Cup sailing crew between 2004-2007. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte 2009;Volumen XXVI-N(132) pp.273-279.
- Barrios C, Hadala M, Almansa MI, Bosch F, Romero FJ.
Metabolic muscle damage and oxidative stress markers in an America’s Cup Yachting Crew. Proceedings of the XXX FIMS World Congres; Barcelona – 20th-22nd of November Archivos de Medicina del Deporte 2008; 128 (6) pp. 455.
- Bieganowski K, Hadala M, Wierzbowska C, Tejedor N.
Characteristic of injuries in 32 America’s Cup yacht racing. Polish Journal of Sports Medicine 2008; 24(4):247-257
- Hadala M, Barrios C.
Anthropometric characteristics, body composition prole and physical tness of an America’s Cup yacht crew. Proceedings of the XXX FIMS World Congres; Barcelona 20th-22nd of November 2008 Archivos de Medicina del Deporte 2008;128(6) pp.494.
- Hadala M, Barrios C
Prevention of sports injuries during competition in an America’s Cup yachting-race crew. E‑ectiveness of a specic program of physiotherapy. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2008; Suppl 47:111.
- Hadala M, Comerford M, Mottram S.
Performance Stability – a new perspective on risk assessment and retraining for movement and sport. Proceedings of the XXX FIMS World Congres; Barcelona 20th-22nd of November 2008 Archivos de Medicina del Deporte 2008;128(6) pp.495.
- Hadala M, Bieganowski K, Wierzbowska C, Tejedor N, Snela S.
Injuries in football players and the medical sta‑ work method in selected football teams in Poland and Spain. Polish Journal of Sports Medicine 2006; 5(6):22;272-276.
- Hadala M, K Bieganowski, D Solek, K Rzucilo, S Snela, L Jachym
Defects in human posture and curvatures of the spine among population of children aged 12 in Elementary Schools in Rzeszow. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 3(4):6;23-23
- Bieganowski K, Hadala M, Snela S. In harmony with nature. Inuence of biological clock on the life quality. Fizjoterapia 2005; 13(2):5-11
- Comerford M., Mottram S., M Hadala (Polish translation) | Kinetic Control. Uncontrolled Movement Churchuill Livingstone | Urban & Partner Polska 2016
- Pedregal M, Hadala M. | Entorno Pilates y dolor lumbar. Septem Ediciones 2012 | ISBN 978-84-15279-98-3
- 2001 National Prize for Young Researchers | Award-winning topic: “Scoliosis in the Primary School” Wroclaw, Poland
- 2003-2004 National Award for academic performance | Warsaw, Poland
- 2004-2005 National Award for academic performance | Warsaw, Poland
- 2005 Extraordinary Career Award | Rzeszow, Poland 2007 Distinguished by the work presented during the III International Congress of the Polish Association of Sports Traumatology; “E‑ectiveness of the physiotherapeutic program in sport injury prevention during America’s Cup 2007”. | Warsaw, Poland
- 2007 Distinguished by the work presented during the XII Congress of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine; “E‑ectiveness of the physiotherapeutic program in sport injury prevention during America’s Cup 2007”. | Sevilla Spain
- 2008-2012 FPU Scholar | University of Valencia, Faculty of Medicine | Valencia Spain
- Polaco; lengua materna
- Español; nivel C1, examen DELE
- Ingles; nivel avanzado, comunicación en trabajo durante varios años
- Alemán; bachillerato, nivel intermedio